Mr. Hossein
Norouzian started producing Bar Buffering Compounds and related products
at the early 1970 in Tehran.
Following his interest in industrial coatings, he started producing
liquid paint in 1977.
At the beginning of decade 90th and following importing
and consuming foreign Powder Coating to Iran and with due regard to relative
advantages of these types of coating comparing liquid paint like environmental compatibility
and deletion of contamination problems in manufacturing process and usage, Pooshesh
Fam management predicted Powder Coating demand increasing in the close future of
industrial coating. So immediately they started a widespread research and
feasibility studies for transferring technical knowledge and related equipment
and machineries for mass production of Powder coating in IRAN for the first
After performing various studies and researches, relevant
machineries and technology have been imported from European countries and
initial stage of products manufacturing and formulation stared at 1995. Day
& night efforts were fulfilled to produce a trial production and solving
the production problems in accordance with the foreign experts’ knowledge and local
customers' opinion. Pooshesh Fam founder started the production formally by
registering Pooshesh Fam Baspar family brand after assuring about the
production quality, quantity and capability of competing with foreign Powder
Coating companies.
Nowadays, Pooshesh Fam founder´s correct forecast and continuous
efforts is confirmed by Powder Coatings important status in our country’s
industry and independency in providing local demands. That’s why Mr. Norouzian
is honored to be Powder Coatings production's father in the Iran and
Pooshesh Fam Baspar is known as the first brand of Powder Coating production in
1974: Production in different industrial coatings, Bar Buffering
Compounds-adhesion and liquid paints.
1995: Trial production of powder coatings in Iran for the first
1999: Powder coatings mass production in different smooth colors.
2001: Set up and implementation hammer-tone powder coating
production lines
2004: Production in different textured colors, sandtex and variety
in smooth color production.
2005: Completing Standards and Establishing Management System ISO
9001 Quality.
2006: Production in different Decoral and Wrinkle colors.
2011: Receiving the reliable quality certifications from paint
reference Laboratory in IRAN.
2012: Production in smooth
Polyurethane textured and Wrinkle colors.
2014: Increasing variety in hammer-tone textured and wrinkle production.
2015: Production in Metallic colors.